Watch out Tesla, smartphone builder Xiaomi's SU7 EV offers 434 mile range for under $30k - Electrek

Watch out Tesla, smartphone builder Xiaomi's SU7 EV offers 434 mile range for under $30k  ElectrekXiaomi releases electric car $4K cheaper than Tesla's Model 3 as price wars heat up  CNBCChina’s Xiaomi joins the crowded EV race with ‘dream car’ to take on Tesla  CNNTesla vs. Xiaomi: The price discovery of full self-driving in EVs  Yahoo FinanceChina's latest EV is a 'connected' car from smart phone and electronics maker Xiaomi  The Associated Press

Watch out Tesla, smartphone builder Xiaomi's SU7 EV offers 434 mile range for under $30k - Electrek
  1. Watch out Tesla, smartphone builder Xiaomi's SU7 EV offers 434 mile range for under $30k  Electrek
  2. Xiaomi releases electric car $4K cheaper than Tesla's Model 3 as price wars heat up  CNBC
  3. China’s Xiaomi joins the crowded EV race with ‘dream car’ to take on Tesla  CNN
  4. Tesla vs. Xiaomi: The price discovery of full self-driving in EVs  Yahoo Finance
  5. China's latest EV is a 'connected' car from smart phone and electronics maker Xiaomi  The Associated Press