From Local to Global: How Kenyan Creatives Can Win on Instagram and TikTok

How Kenyan Creatives Can Win on Instagram and TikTok

From Local to Global: How Kenyan Creatives Can Win on Instagram and TikTok
How Kenyan Creatives Can Win on Instagram and TikTok

Kenya is a nation bursting with creative talent - from fashion designers to musicians, artists to filmmakers. But in today's world, getting your work seen isn't just about local recognition. It's about reaching a global audience and sharing your Kenyan flavour with the world.

Here's how Kenyan creatives can leverage the power of Instagram and TikTok to take their work from Nairobi to New York, and beyond!

Finding Your Niche:

Both Instagram and TikTok thrive on niche content. Whether you're a designer guru or a master baker with a secret recipe, focus on what makes your work unique and undeniably Kenyan. This will help you attract a dedicated audience who resonate with your style.

The Power of Storytelling:

People connect with stories. Use captions and short videos to tell the story behind your work. Showcase your creative process, highlight the inspiration behind your designs, and introduce your audience to the Kenyan culture that influences your art.

Hashtag Hustle:

Hashtags are key to discovery on both platforms. Research relevant hashtags related to your niche and location. Don't forget to target Kenyan hashtags to connect with a local audience, and explore broader international hashtags to reach a global market.

Collaborate and Connect:

Social media is all about community. Reach out to other Kenyan creatives, collaborate on projects, and give each other shoutouts. This cross-promotion helps expand your reach and introduce your work to new audiences.

Embrace the Trends:

While staying true to your unique style, don't be afraid to experiment with trending challenges and formats on both Instagram and TikTok. This keeps your content fresh and engaging, while also allowing you to showcase your talent in new and exciting ways.

Quality Over Quantity:

It's better to have a few high-quality posts than a flood of mediocre ones. Invest in good lighting and phone cameras to capture stunning visuals of your work. Take the time to edit your photos and videos to create a polished and professional look.

Be Patient and Persistent:

Building a successful social media presence takes time and dedication. Don't get discouraged by low follower counts initially. Keep creating high-quality content, stay engaged with your audience, and eventually, your talent will shine through.

Kenyan Creatives Go Global:

By following these tips and harnessing the power of Instagram and TikTok, Kenyan creatives can connect with a global audience and share their unique talents with the world. So get creative, get strategic, and get ready to watch your Kenyan flag fly high on the world's digital stage!