Urgent: Secret Backdoor Found in XZ Utils Library, Impacts Major Linux Distros - The Hacker News

Urgent: Secret Backdoor Found in XZ Utils Library, Impacts Major Linux Distros  The Hacker NewsBackdoor found in widely used Linux utility breaks encrypted SSH connections  Ars TechnicaMalicious backdoor spotted in Linux compression library xz  The RegisterAre You Affected by the Backdoor in XZ Utils?  Dark ReadingRed Hat, CISA Warn of XZ Utils Backdoor  Duo Security

Urgent: Secret Backdoor Found in XZ Utils Library, Impacts Major Linux Distros - The Hacker News
  1. Urgent: Secret Backdoor Found in XZ Utils Library, Impacts Major Linux Distros  The Hacker News
  2. Backdoor found in widely used Linux utility breaks encrypted SSH connections  Ars Technica
  3. Malicious backdoor spotted in Linux compression library xz  The Register
  4. Are You Affected by the Backdoor in XZ Utils?  Dark Reading
  5. Red Hat, CISA Warn of XZ Utils Backdoor  Duo Security