Embark on a journey into the bustling world of entrepreneurship in Kenya, where a new frontier is emerging: the errand business. In a fast-paced society where time is a precious commodity, individuals and businesses alike are turning to innovative solutions to manage their daily tasks efficiently. Join us as we explore the burgeoning landscape of errand services, uncovering the opportunities, challenges, and how to start one in this dynamic market.


In my experience in the graphic designing industry, I have noticed a significant increase in clients requesting specific designs, indicating a growing trend. Over the past few weeks, I have been receiving continuous requests to design errand posters, flyers, and rate cards. This piqued my interest and led me to research this emerging trend in Kenya. While errand businesses flourished in many developed countries during the COVID-19 pandemic, Kenya is just beginning to catch up with the trend. Before delving into how to start your own errands business, let's explore what has contributed to this trend so that we can clearly identify the primary target market.

 The growing elderly population, with sons and grandsons busy working, requires assistance with tasks such as grocery shopping, picking up prescriptions, and doing laundry. Additionally, many offices in urban centers are opting for on-demand services rather than employing office messengers. Other factors, such as the fast-paced nature of the modern world, have left individuals with limited time to balance family, work, and personal commitments. While various reasons have fueled the rapid growth of this business, the key question remains: how do you get started? The beauty of starting an errands business is that you don't need prior experience, substantial investments, or a large team of employees. What you primarily need is your time and creativity to promote your business and manage your daily tasks efficiently. By following a few simple steps, you could establish a successful and thriving business.

  1. Define Your Services; Create Your Unique Plan. 


 First and foremost, it's crucial to determine the type of errands you'll be offering. Will you specialize in shopping, dry cleaning pick-ups, office chores, or perhaps a combination of different ways depending on your market? Define your niche and highlight what sets you apart from the competition. Maybe you provide eco-friendly delivery options or excel at handling last-minute requests – discover your unique selling point. This is where a business plan comes in handy. Craft a simple business plan to help you get a sense of direction and information on your target market as well as get the SWOT analysis.

Before hitting the ground running, take care of the legal aspects. If you are working on a minimalist budget, a business name is a good start. Register and get a government business name and you can work on the rest as the business starts to pick. Establish a system for tracking expenses and income, and decide on your pricing structure. Will you charge by the hour, per task, or offer a flat rate? Conduct some market research to ensure your rates are both competitive and profitable.

These all will be included in your business plan.


  1. Spread the Word:


 It's time to shout about your new venture from the rooftops! Start by creating a catchy name and designing a simple logo that reflects your brand. Utilize social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, or X to showcase your services and engage with potential clients. You may also consider a portfolio site to add to your professionalism. As clients start to flow, a website or mobile app will go a long way to raising your business from a sole proprietorship to a structured company as you start branding. Consider collaborating with local businesses or community organizations to expand your reach. Remember, word of mouth can be a potent marketing tool, so don't hesitate to ask satisfied customers for referrals. Flyers also work the magic. Print some and spread them around your target market slowly.

Some tips to get your first customers may be offering discounts, being consistent on your social marketing, and one-on-one marketing through word of mouth, posters, or flyers.


3. Offer Exceptional Service:

Lastly, as you start getting those first clients, it's crucial to focus on delivering exceptional service. Show them that they can rely on you, trust you, and count on you to meet their needs. Aim to exceed their expectations and nurture long-term connections. Keep in mind that satisfied clients are your most effective marketing tool, so ensure their happiness is at the forefront of your business strategy.

Don't forget the power of social marketing and technology to continue expanding your clientele. Continue with your social media consistency and physical marketing. The goal is to build your startup into a renowned brand.


Launching an errand business might appear overwhelming at first, but with strategic preparation and commitment, you can transform your desire to assist others into a thriving enterprise. Get ready to dive in, wear your entrepreneur cap, and prepare to set off on this thrilling adventure because there is a whole untapped market out there waiting for you. Your expertise in running errands is in demand – let's bring it to life!